Conferenza Inspire 2010|Inspire conference 2010


La conferenza INSPIRE 2010 si terrà dal 23 a la 25 giugno a Cracovia in polonia. Il tema di dell’aedizione di quest’anno è “INSPIRE come Infrastruttura per la cooperazione”.

I miei colleghi ed io saremo presenti con la presentazione: Implementation Of INSPIRE Principles: Sardinia Region SDI State Of Art And Further Developments.

Spero di incontrarvi presto!!The INSPIRE Conference 2010 will take place from 23 to 25 June 2010 in Kraków, Poland. The theme of this year’s edition is “INSPIRE as a Framework for Cooperation”.

My collegues and I will be there with the paper: Implementation Of INSPIRE Principles: Sardinia Region SDI State Of Art And Further Developments.

I hope to see all of you soon!!!